Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tangible Ambitions 2012

After reviewing my goals for 2011, I realized I was trying to do too much.  This year, I hope to scale it down a notch, keep it realistic, and allow myself to enjoy things a little more.  Instead of having 20 goals like last year, I'm keeping it to 12. And focus on one goal each month.  Some of them will overlap, but hopefully this will make me a little more successful in completing the goals for the year.

1.  Organize a file system, backup/scan important documents (January)
2.  Declutter Basement: donate/sell unused items, purge and keep it that way (March)
3.  Organize Photo System and update Scrapbooks (March)
4.  Learn and Explore US history. Complete the Freedom trail, Visit DC (April)
5.  Reconnect with nature: Plant a garden, landscape around the house, start composting (May)
6.  CSA Goal: To preserve more and waste less (June, July, August)
7.  Take a photography class (September)
8.  Finish Christmas shopping (October)
9.  Be Thankful.  Donate to a local charity. (November)
10.  Enjoy the Holiday Season. (December)
11.  Complete 3 Quilts this year (High School Tshirt, ISU Quilt, and Joanna's Quilt) (ongoing)
12.  Read 2 books a month (22/24 read.)

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