Sunday, August 21, 2011

Pickles, Pickles, and more Pickles!

We have cucumbers coming out of our ears! The CSA has been wonderful these past few weeks. We have more cucumbers than we can handle, so I decided to make my mom's awesome refrigerator pickles. It's the easiest thing and no "hot bath" is required for the canning.

You will need:
4 cups of vinegar
4 cups of sugar
3/4 cup salt
1 1/2 T celary seed
1 1/2 T mustard seed
1 1/2 T tumeric
Cucumbers (6-8)
Onion (2)

Slice cucumbers and 1-2 white onion. Divide into quart size mason jar. Mix together ingredients and whisk until sugar dissolved. Pour over cucumbers. Place jars into refridgerator. Shake daily, should be ready in 6 weeks. Good for 1 year. The mixture is enough for 4 qt. size mason jar.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!

    I have a recipe that my friend just gave me. It doesn't require vinegar (very, very easy):

    Look forward to reading more here.

